
BOXER-6839 Seamlessly integrates various Industrial cameras

With a specially designed interface that supports PCIe x4, the BOXER-6839 seamlessly integrates various Industrial cameras such as GigaLAN / PoE/ USB 3.0 / CameraLink / CoaXpress. The AAEON Vision System Embedded Fanless BOXER has been tested and proofed with most industrial cameras and vision control software, adhering to stringent industry standards, and is compatible with multiple cameras on a connected platform. Powered by the powerful Intel 7th Gen. desktop CPU and Intel I210 LAN chip, the BOXER-6839 will expedite the assembly process, facilitate effective deployment in smart-factory lines, and enhance system performance at an affordable price. Unlike former designs, the BOXER-6839 features a lid cover to facilitate easier accessibility. It features a CPU socket which supports swappable CPUs, offering higher customization and mobility options, and provides a triple independent display which will greatly enhance factory product management. Additionally, it offers support for 6 COM RS485 ports, well above the current market average. Designed to consolidate existing camera systems, AAEON's BOXER-6839 series supports various camera interfaces, providing seamless integration without having to connect through other transponders. The BOXER-6839 provides longevity support and a customizable mechanical design for CPU flexibility to meet the ever-changing needs of both the client and the landscape of Industry 4.0. With a native capacity of 3 GigaLAN ports, as well as a 6 USB 3.0 sockets, 4 LAN ports and 34-bit programmable digital I/O, it can also be adapted for a wide range of industrial manufacturing processes, lowering lead time and enhancing efficiency and accuracy. The rugged chassis design is ideal for smart control systems, machine vision inspection, digital signage, surveillance and machine makers.



CPU performance


Expansion slots







Temperature range

-20°C ~ 55°C



AAEON, ett taiwanesiskt företag grundat 1992, är världsledande inom industriella och inbyggda datalösningar. De erbjuder
en bred produktportfölj, inklusive industriella moderkort, robusta datorer, inbyggda styrningar och AI-baserade ”Edge” lösningar.
AAEON är välkänt för sitt engagemang för innovation och skräddarsydda lösningar för att möta specifika branschbehov.
Deras hållbara och banbrytande teknologi är perfekt för industrier som automatisering, hälso- och sjukvård och transport. 

Läs mer:  AAEON