
MGate MB3660 8 & 16 port redundant Modbus gateways

8 and 16-port redundant Modbus gateways Features and Benefits • Supports Auto Device Routing for easy configuration • Supports route by TCP port or IP address for flexible deployment • Innovative Command Learning for improving system performance • Supports agent mode for high performance through active and parallel polling of serial devices • Supports Modbus serial master to Modbus serial slave communications • 2 Ethernet ports with the same IP or dual IP addresses for network redundancy • SD card for configuration backup/duplication and event logs • Accessed by up to 256 Modbus TCP clients • Connects up to Modbus 128 TCP servers • RJ45 serial interface (for “-J” models) • Serial port with 2 kV isolation protection (for “-I” models) • Dual VDC or VAC power inputs with wide power input range • Embedded traffic monitoring/diagnostic information for easy troubleshooting




MOXA and Moxa MTSC.png

Moxa är en taiwanesisk tillverkare av nätverksprodukter. De erbjuder Ethernet-switchar och -omvandlare, routrar, protokoll gateways, seriella servrar, industridatorer, skärmar och mycket mer.

Moxa  är en ledande leverantör till en mängd olika marknader såsom till industri, offshore,  järnväg, kraftöverföring, marint, byggnadsautomation och andra marknader.